Elder Nick Shrestha

Elder Nick Shrestha

Monday, September 1, 2014

This is my last email from my mission.Yes its about time for me to go home.
I am grateful that i served my mission.Its been the best decision of my life.
It's so amazing to see what i was and what i am right now.The Gospel of Jesus Christ is here to change our life in a good way.
I just wanna thank y'all for everything!!Each one you has helped me to grow spiritually and be strong on my mission, without you guys my mission would not have been great.
I love you all i will be in touch with you.I hope and pray that all of you will see many miracles from our Heavenly father.
I know this the church of Christ and i know that book of Mormon is true and fullness of the gospel has been restored by prophet Joesph Smith.Atonement of Jesus Christ is for everybody.He loves us all.
Thank you again! I will always remember you and pray for you.
God be with you till we meet again.

My contact info
Phone : 01-4424364

Much Love
ELder Shrestha

Monday, August 25, 2014


I have less than 10 days left on my mission now.
And i am not looking forward for my plane ride back home.
Its gonna take me nearly 25 hrs to get back home.I still remembered when i came here for my mission and  after my long flight i felt like a zombie.
But anyway i am doing super well and today we went to a state fair and it was awesome.I will send you some pics week.
Oh i will tell you about my flight so i am flying from here to Chicago Wednesday sep 3rd evening and then from there i am catching a flight to Istanbul, Turkey and from there i will catch a flight to Kathmandu, Nepal.
I will reach home on 5th September at 6:45 in the morning.So my dear families and friends plz come and pick me up.
I am very excited to see my family after 2 yrs.Its gonna be the best.
I am so thankful to the Lord for the blessings he has given me on my mission.I am grateful for all the trial and tribulation that i went through.All those things were needed for me to be me what i am today.
I love you all and i will be in touch with you all after my mission.Have a great week.thanks you so much.

Much LOve 
Elder Shrestha

Monday, August 18, 2014

Two more weeks!!!!!!!
I am not really sure that i am saying that in excitement or in sadness.:(
But yep that's the truth.I am enjoying every bit of my time right now coz i don't have lot of time right now.
I think the only thing i am super happy about is, i don't have to spend my winter biking again.I biked both of my winter here in Minnesota and it was cold very cold. So good bye winter of Minnesota.
We had a super good week this week and yesterday was the best Sunday for me coz i got the special permission to go mission president fireside and meet with some Nepali people.They came and were super happy to see me.They wanted me to come to there house and meet with them before i go home.I wish i was able to do that.They are very dear to me and most wonderful people i have meet on my mission.I am going to miss them dearly.
I just also got a call from a member from  our ward.He is kinda less active but he loves meeting with us and he think i am the most crazy brown kid he have ever met.He calls and says" i made a painting for you".I bet he made some crazy painting for me.I'm super excited to see it.
And i thought oh how much i love all the people in my mission.They are so kind and loving.And i am so thankful for our heavenly father that he has given this time and opportunity for me to serve him.I am thankful that i could so many wonderful people in my mission.I love my mission and i'm blessed to be part of Lord's work.I am also thankful for y'all.Y'all had my mission the best experience in my life.I have so much love and respect for all of you.Thank you so much.

Much LOve 
Elder Shrestha

Monday, August 11, 2014

Dear family and Friends

How grateful i am for all of you.I am so astonished by your emails and your love.Thank you so much for all you do.
I think i have 3 more weeks to go.My heart is pounding fast as the days are going so fast.I am also excited to meet with my family.
I am still staying strong on my mission and doing the Lord's work.Its been a greatest joy of my life to serve my mission.I will recommend to go on mission to all the youth.
Lately i have pondered a lot about what could i have done better? Did i serve the lord with my full heart? and as i think of all these things i thought about a missionary i was with for an exchange right before he was going home.I asked him whats been the best thing about your mission and he said " the best thing is to know that God is happy with you". and that's stood out to me.
I hope and pray that God is happy with me and for all the things i have done to bring his children to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.I have my ups and down in my mission but i am grateful for those ups and down. I am grateful that God gave me trials and helped me grow and learn many things.I see Lord's hand on every part of our life and he loves all.
I love you all and thankful for your support and love.You guys are the best part of my mission.All of you have helped me a lot.Thanks. I am eternally grateful to you.God Bless you.

Much love
Elder Shrestha 
Pics We went to temple .

Monday, August 4, 2014

Hello and Namaste

How are you??God bless y'all.
My love for my mission has grown so much in these last days of my mission.I am thankful for every moment that i can be a missionary.
Yesterday was my last fast and testimony meeting and i bore my testimony.The reason i wanted to bear my testimony so bad was a boy name Paul who is 12 yrs old bore his testimony and said "I was thinking how can i be a good missionary without being called as an missionary or have a calling related to missionary work.I came to a conclusion that i don't need to be called as a missionary to be a good missionary ,i can always be a good missionary by being the example that Heavenly father wants me to be." And i was so touched by the things he said.I felt that was the thing that i needed to hear at that time.So as i bore my testimony i said "Paul i wanted to let you know that you are right." I also said " it is very true that we don't need a missionary Tag or have calling as ward missionaries to share the gospel.We can be the example to everybody and share the gospel by our example. I told him he is going to a Great Missionary.
I am always amazed by the faith of the saints here in Minnesota.They have helped me a lot to grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for the gospel.I am thankful for our savior love for all of us.He love us  and he is there for us. I know that for sure.
Thank you for your love and kindness.You guys have really shown me the example of what does gospel can do for all of us.You guys live the Gospel.
Thank you for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Nischal Shrestha

P.s:some picture from the place where we go and do service every Wednesday.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hello and Namaste to Everybody
Its a great day to go swimming here but we cant go swimming.
I hope y'all had a great week. Life is exciting and filled with things that amazes you all the time.My weeks are always like that.We think and plan do so many things in a week but some day we end up doing way different things than our plans. Missionary work is like that most of the time you end up doing things that were not planned by us but planned by God.
This week was a great week of service for us , we did a lot of service and i can still see the marks of service in my hands.
This last week i came to know that i can paint. When ever i took a colors and brush to paint i always thought i can never be a painter but this last week we went and did service and our service to paint a room.And we did pretty good job.I loved painting that room and than i thought even though i cant paint painting i guess i can paint walls.I was truly grateful that God let me knew that i can still paint.My hands still have tiny dot of paint on it and every time i see it i say to myself "I can Paint"!!!!!!!!!!!
I am grateful for these opportunities that God has provided us.There is no greater joy than joy you have when you are in service of your neighbor.
I hope and pray that y'all also have opportunity to serve others.I pray for you and remember you.I hope you have a great week ahead.
Lots Of LOve 
ELder Shrestha
p.s here are some pic when we went for mountain biking!!!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

 Dear family and Friends and Brothers and Sisters

How are u?? I hope and pray that y'all have a great time.
So this is the beginning of my last transfer on my mission and it last for 6 weeks. Oh my goodness i cant believe its happening.
I am still in my area right now and i am still with my companion.So Maple Grove is gonna be the area where i will end my mission.
As i am coming close to the end i have been pondering lots of things that i have learned in my mission.I am reflecting upon the tender mercies that Heavenly father has show us and i can see and feel that i have been tremendously blessed in my mission.Most importantly it has changed me in a good way.I will always remember these things for the rest of my life.
Our work in this area been good. Its been super tough to find people to teach in this area.Everybody here in super Lutheran or Catholic.But we are working hard everyday to find somebody.We do have our ups and down but its ok coz its the way it suppose to be.These ups and down has given us so many experiences that we can apply for the rest of our life.
So we had super fun this week. We were at a place dropping by our investigator to see if they are home and they were not.So as we were going out we saw these African kids playing basket ball so we thought hmmmm lets go play some ball with them. So we went to them and said y'all wanna play a game with us?? and they looked at us probably thinking 2 guys in white shirt and black pants wants to play basket ball with us.They must also thought that they will beat us in a min.
So we played a game with them and we destroyed them. hahaha it was so funny.It was a good game. Those kids can play super good.
The Gospel is true and whosoever will live the gospel it is gonna be a great blessings in there life.I have seen that blessing in many peoples life in my mission.Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and its for us.We can be healed through our savior.I love you all and i am eternally grateful for your kindness and love.It means a lot to me.You guys are my family and have been great example to me. Thank u.
Much love
Elder Shrestha